Since they’re waiting expectantly like you have some kind of authority or something, you send a few of them with Sitwell to help him fight his way to the controls. The rest of them, you dispatch around the building to search the remaining cells for Agent Woo. (“Bring him out safely,” you say, ”that’s the mission objective,” and damn, you feel like Coulson or Fury or someone, handing out ‘mission objectives’ to other agents. You could get used to this.)

            You’re waiting down the end of the hallway with the Hulk, talking to him and keeping him occupied until there’s a series of heavy thunks up and down the cell block corridor and Sitwell radios unnecessarily that the controls are released. Almost simultaneously, the distant noise from the other floors picks up and more prisoners begin appearing in the doorways and clear areas. Now, you have to figure out what to do with them all.

If you leave the prisoners to Sitwell and take the Hulk outside to de-transform, turn to page 185.

If you go down into the cells with the prisoners to find Agent Woo, turn to page 187.