The chaos in the cell block building is a little worrying, so you signal to the Hulk that the two of you should get outside. He gets the message, heads in the direction of the doors. It’s actually kind of convenient, because wherever the Hulk goes, he clears a path, so you have no trouble getting to the exit.

            You’re standing off to the side, talking calmly (mostly making fun of everything you see, but hey, no one but the Hulk is around to hear), when there’s a sudden increase in the commotion and then there’s a knot of well-organized prisoners, Sitwell, and - hey - Woo, emerging triumphantly from the destroyed side of the cell block, still fighting off a last Hydra guard or two.

            You watch them until they shake the last green uniform and begin moving in the direction of the extraction point, and then it’s Bruce beside you instead of the Hulk; you hand him your S.H.I.E.L.D. jacket because he needs it more than you do, and as he’s putting it on, you say, “You know, Sitwell and those guys are actually kind of awesome.”

            Bruce nods his agreement. Not everyone needs superpowers to effective.

Turn to page 186.