All of you reach the extraction point together, you and a now-de-Hulked Bruce and Thor and inadvertently-badass Sitwell and a messy, ragged group of ex-prisoners all ready for extraction. When you arrive, the other half of your team is already waiting there for you, S.H.I.E.L.D. helicopter and all.
Tony, of course, asks, “What took you so long?”
You, of course, flip him the bird.
Over the comms, Coulson starts to say, “Bring it in, Avengers,” but stops short about halfway through the second syllable and changes his mind.
“Bring it in, S.H.I.E.L.D.,” he says, and you can’t help grinning, because that’s what you all are - not just Avengers, but also agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
It’s kind of an honour.