You tap the Hulk on one broad, green arm and jerk your head in the direction of the darkest corridor to signal that you need to go hunting for Agent Woo. He gets it and takes point, running down the hallway so that you can barely keep up (but it’s effective; it totally clears the way) and diving down into the corridors below.
You expect to find Woo in a cell somewhere, or trying to navigate his way through the halls to an exit, but when you do run into him, it’s through complete coincidence. He’s managed his own escape, found his way to a stairwell, and seems to know exactly where he’s going - straight to the main exit, and you remind yourself that, yeah, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are pretty damned good at what they do. Even held captive by Hydra and forced into some pretty awful orange jumpsuits.
Still, efficiency is the word of the day, and the Hulk scoops Woo up in his arms, slings you over his shoulders (where you still have a vantage point for shooting Hydra agents), and takes off in the direction of the main exit, juggernauting through anything and everything in his way.