You decide on the extraction point when Woo twitches on the floor and there’s another trickle of blood. You’re not sure he’d make it if you tried to get to the control room.
The Hulk scoops him carefully up from the floor, cradles him in one big arm, and grabs you with the other. Then, he lowers his head, takes a run up and crashes through the corridors taking out agents left and right like they’re practically toys he’s juggernauting through.
You make it to the extraction point faster than you thought you would, but it’s still not quite fast enough, and when the helicopter lowers the evacuation sling, you shake your head up at the med tech leaning out of the open hatch. Woo’s not going to need medical care.
Enough. You can think about that later. You shake your head to clear it, tune into the comms again, because you’re all alone at the extraction point with the Hulk.
Steve, Tony and Natasha are shouting to one another over their radios. They’re still fighting, and it sounds like assistance would not be unwelcome.
To radio Coulson for S.H.I.E.L.D. backup for your teammates, turn to page 85.
To go help them yourself, turn to page 88.