“Coulson,” you call over the comms, “you got any gunners up there in your chopper, you better drop ‘em, else you’re gonna lose Captain America.” You know how he feels about Cap, so you’re not at all surprised when first two, then three more field-suited personnel zipline down from the helicopter and hit the ground running in the direction of the battle.
Right about that time, the biggest contingent of ex-prisoners arrives at the extraction point. Some of them are clearly here for assistance, but others are fighting them, fighting you, and it’s hard even to pick out whom to subdue and whom to support because the entire field of battle is a mess.
You opt for taking out anyone with a gun (non-lethally; Fury will kill you if you damage any of his undercover agents), which is working for a while, but then one of them with a goddamn truncheon or something sneaks up behind you and the last thing you remember is a crushing blow to the head and an explosion of crimson stars behind your eyes.