
You’re not really sure why Steve is asking you; after all, he’s the leader. Maybe being the first to volunteer has made you de facto leader of this particular expedition.

“You,” you decide, “and Thor.” Tony is not only a valuable member of the team, he’s also heavy in that armour, and you’re going to need allies with you who can carry him. This way, too, you can ask Bruce to stay with Woo and the prisoners so that, if an emergency arises, they have a Hulk waiting in the wings.

Fighting to the tower is the easy part; between Steve’s shield and Thor’s hammer, there’s practically nothing left for you to do, so you save your arrows for when you need them. It turns out to be an excellent decision, because on your way back, with Thor and Steve occupied carrying Tony, it’s your arrows that clear a path through the remainder of the Hydra agents.

The whole operation seems much easier than you were expecting and you can’t help but wonder if there’s going to be a catch. As you approach the extraction point, though, you start to breathe easier and think that maybe, just for once there won’t be.

Turn to page 106.