
Of course, you’re an idiot, because there’s always a catch and you know that, but at least this time it’s a pretty mild one - while you were away, Bruce has had to Hulk out to defend the extraction point, and now he needs to be talked down before you can get out of there.

The delay isn’t so bad. There are almost no Hydra agents left in the area, and if there are, they know better than to try to engage you in battle by now, so you and Steve sit on either side of the Hulk and chat idly about nothing in particular (baseball, which you don’t follow and Steve hasn’t since the thirties; music, and you’re formulating an action plan for introducing Steve to classic rock) until you find yourselves sitting next to Bruce instead of the Hulk and he grins weakly at you and says, “hey, you’re leaving out a whole genre, punk is cool too,” and you both stare at him because Bruce Banner is many things, but he is not a punk.

As the chopper leaves the Hydra compound for the last time, Steve nods at you, at Bruce, at Thor and Natasha and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents seated around you, and says, “Good job, team.”

It’s nice to hear that from Captain America, but the real icing on the cake is when Coulson chimes in on the comms and says the same thing.