You decide you’d better find Agent Woo before you begin unlocking all the doors. He might be hurt or drugged or God knows what; it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to have to fight against hordes of prisoners to get him out once you’ve found him.
You’re looking for a long time - longer than you’d thought you’d need; seriously, how the hell big is this place, anyway? - when one of the people inside the cells figures out that the door controls have been released and they can now unlock themselves with a little dexterity. Shit, shit, because now there’s chaos, exactly what you were hoping to avoid, and you’re caught up in it, and -
- suddenly, the Hulk smashes through a wall next to you and there’s Woo, and there’s also an awful lot of blood, and this is definitely not a good thing, breathing is definitely not supposed to be that shallow, ribs are definitely not supposed to be that... visible.
No, this is not good.
You’re not sure what to do. Getting Woo to the extraction point immediately seems obvious, but also dangerous. It might be better to get back to the control room first, for safety’s sake.
To regroup at the control room, turn to page 83.
To go to the extraction point, turn to page 84.