You decide it would be kind of mean to run down all the corridors knowing you could free everyone and then not do it. So you begin unlocking doors, one after another, checking every cell for Woo as you go and calling his name every so often. “Agent Woo! Jimmy Woo!” Even the Hulk chimes in, “Woo!”
An older man, gaunt in his orange jumpsuit, taps you on the shoulder. “You’re looking for Jimmy Woo,” he says, which you think should be kind of obvious, but you nod anyway.
“I know where he is,” the man says. “Follow me.”
You find him in a row of individual cells on the lowest underground floor of the compound. It’s like something from a movie set; the walls are glistening with water, dank and damp, and Woo is lying curled into the corner of his cell. He’s pale, sweating, shivering as he clutches his side, and you can tell right away that he is badly hurt.
“Come on,” you say, “let’s get you out of here,” and you help the Hulk to pick him up and carry him out. The rest of the prisoners can follow Thor and Sitwell to the extraction point; Woo is injured and needs to be there now.