
Agent Woo is out of there, airlifted away for medical care, before Thor and Sitwell even arrive with the prisoners. Once they do, the real extraction work begins, even though the mission objective itself has technically been completed already. The rest of these prisoners (well, those that aren’t S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel in one capacity or another) are innocent people as well, captives from various governments, other organizations or just on the whims of high-level Hydra officials.

Steve arrives a little later, carrying (dragging; the Iron Man armour is not light) Tony, who’s injured. As you’re loading him up onto the helicopter in the harness, Steve explains in a rush of words that Natasha has been captured, that he needs to go back, that he needs to infiltrate.

Screw that. You’re not letting him go alone.

“I can’t take Thor or the Hulk,” he says. “There are detectors for the superhuman stuff.” You want to ask why the detectors don’t pick up on him, but instead you just volunteer your services. They have Natasha, your oldest and best partner at S.H.I.E.L.D. You’re not going to let them have her. Then Sitwell volunteers, too, and you remember how good he is at close combat.

If you tell Steve to choose Sitwell, turn to page 77.

If you tell him to choose you, turn to page 80.