
When you finally clear the last of the guards and random Hydra lackeys between you and the room Tony’s in, you find him - miraculously - still in one piece. He’s definitely not in good shape (“bleeding into the armour,” he says, “should have a subroutine for that”), but he’s alive and Hydra haven’t disassembled him for parts or anything, so you’ll count that as a win for now.

You head back out, Thor and Steve teaming up to carry Tony in the armour while Natasha covers everyone’s backs, but when you get to the stairs, one glance down them tells you you’re not going anywhere.

“Coulson,” you say over the comms, low-voiced like you think it’ll prevent them from hearing you, “the whole goddamn tower’s swarmed.”

“I am aware,” he says mildly. “I have a helicopter on the way. Just hold the fort, Hawkeye.”

Being airlifted off the roof is kind of cool. The mission, technically, was a failure, and you know you’re going to be paying for that at debriefing time. But before you focus on that, just for a minute, you want to think about the fact that you helped get your team out safely, and overall, you think, that’s not so bad. It’s not so bad at all.