At the extraction point, you alternate between fighting off rogue Hydra goons who get too close and checking one another over for injuries (Steve is limping and can’t put all his weight on his left leg; you discover a pretty nasty gash in your arm that the adrenaline had kept you from feeling until just now). You’re all kind of banged-up (Tony’s lamenting the damage to the armour’s finish), but the point is that you’re all there to be banged-up at all.
Finally, the helicopter arrives overhead. Bruce has managed to return to his more easily-transported form, Tony’s half-in, half-out of the armour, and you’re all ready for a shower and some coffee and one of Coulson’s legendary debriefs (okay, maybe not that last one, but it’s not like you’re going to get a choice).
You’re one of the last to board, and when you do, your arms are so tired you’re not even sure you’re going to make it all the way up the rope ladder. The fact that you do is almost entirely thanks to Steve’s assistance. Which is only fair, you think, considering you and Bruce are the reason he’s on the chopper himself.