Suddenly, you have an idea. This could turn out pretty well after all. “Watch this!” you shout to Sitwell, and then to the Hulk, “Hey, I’m gonna need your shoulders.”
Shooting from the Hulk’s shoulders is awesome; you can take out more guards that way than you ever could on the ground. You definitely need to try this more often. Meanwhile, Sitwell is being pretty badass on the ground himself, half hand-to-hand combat, half tiny little gun that looks like some kid’s toy water pistol but knocks people off their feet like a S.H.I.E.L.D. experimental weapon, which it probably is.
You arrive at the manual controls whooping and hollering, Coulson in your ear muttering something about ‘professionalism’ and Thor on comms too, drowning Coulson out with Asgardian battle cries.