
Of course, that’s also when the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicopter returns, this time bringing backup for the fight that is now over.

“Timely, as usual,” you mutter, which isn’t exactly fair because S.H.I.E.L.D. reinforcements have pulled your ass out of more than one mission gone wrong at the last minute. Still, now that everyone who needs rescuing is already rescued, they just look kind of ridiculous.

In the end, Sitwell puts them to work subduing the remaining enemies who haven’t realized yet that the fight is over. Steve is injured pretty badly, something to do with the way his eyes won’t quite focus and he’s slurring his words when he tries to talk. You sit with him, using the time to talk the Hulk gently down until he’s Bruce again, blinking in the fading sunlight and searching for his glasses. (There’s a spare pair for him on the chopper, along with a change of clothes; Coulson plans ahead like a crazy person.)

They take Steve to medical as soon as you arrive back at headquarters. Personally, you figure you deserve a shower and a break before debrief, and so you disappear for half an hour.

Turn to page 70.