
When the emergency transport (which turns out to be a sleek, black Acura SUV) arrives, Coulson is on board. The three of you pile in, grateful to be off your feet and - better yet - out of the dust. Bruce is still frowning at his cuff, but Coulson takes one look at it and assures him that they will have it off in no time.

“Coulson, we can stop for a cheeseburger on the way back, right?” you ask.

“Agent Barton,” he begins, and you can hear the sigh in his voice, but that’s not fair.

“Hey, if Tony gets a cheeseburger for being held captive, so do I.”

“You were captive for all of half an hour,” Natasha points out.

“Still,” you say, and Coulson is rolling his eyes and holding his hands heavenward in supplication.

           He ends up taking you to a McDonald’s drive-through on the way home anyway.