“No,” you say, because Bruce has to deal with that often enough. You’re not going to bring out the big (angry, green) guns unless you have absolutely no other options left.

He nods, matter-of-fact, turns back toward the fighting, and then... and then breaks into some of the most beautiful classical Shaolin kung fu you have ever seen. Despite the battle around you, you actually have to pause for a moment to reassess your view of Bruce Banner, because you knew he could fight (you’ve sparred with him before), but you had no idea he could fight like this.

Between the two of you and Agent Woo, who - even injured - seems to be capable of just about anything, you manage to break through the knot of resistance in the corridor, and the prisoners resume their steady flow out into the courtyard. Thor, now accompanied by the other half of the team, booms out instructions, and the field of battle begins to clear a little as everyone heads for the extraction point.

On the chopper back, watching your teammates glad-hand and congratulate one another on a successful mission, you catch Bruce’s eye (as usual, he’s curled into a corner, away from everyone) and whisper quietly, “Congratulations.”

            He smiles, and you take that as your reward.