You nod, mutter an apology, but Bruce shakes his head - it’s what he’s here for, after all - and squeezes his eyes shut for the transformation.
Moments later, the Hulk smashes a new exit out of the cell block compound and the prisoners begin pouring out over the rubble that was recently a wall. The guards, for obvious reasons, are less than thrilled; unfortunately, they express their dissatisfaction with gunfire, and you take heavy prisoner losses on your way to the extraction point to meet up with Thor and Woo.
Partway there, you catch a distant glimpse of Steve and Natasha fighting their way to the same destination past a horde of Hydra lackeys in low-level uniforms. Tony’s streaking in from above them like some kind of superpowered meteor, and you see him snatch them both up at once, Steve jerking in mid-air and clutching his side, and then they’re dropping down onto the extraction point.
You begin to run.