Checking to make sure Thor is still waiting at the entrance (he is, and he’s even remembered to conceal the Hydra soldiers he’s taken out so far so that he doesn’t look too suspicious), you proceed to the end of the cell block corridor together. Sitwell pauses for a moment there, looking thoughtful.
“I can head to the controls alone,” he says. “It would be less conspicuous, but a greater risk. Or I could take either one of you with. The other would stay to coordinate the prisoners’ release along with Thor.”
You and Bruce look at one another; he shrugs, asks, “What do you think?”
If you think Sitwell should go to the controls alone, turn to page 35.
If you think Sitwell should take Bruce with him, turn to page 37.
If you think Sitwell should take you with him, turn to page 38.